Having moved from a mill-town (textiles) in North Carolina less than two years ago, this mill-town (lumber) had a kindred resonance. Here the lumber mills are completely closed. In North Carolina the mills are simply nearly gone. I did see some amusing sights amongst the 'normal' town life in Fort Bragg, CA:
1. A "Glass Beach"?? Seems the town dump had been situated over a bluff into the Pacific Ocean! While dumping was stopped decades ago, the beach is filled with 'beach glass' or 'sea glass' - broken pieces of glass bottles dumped and broken and then tumbled for decades in the grit sand and tossed up on the beach.
2. Ever have an important possession that was just a bit 'too big'? A favorite notebook that wouldn't quite fit into your locker in the 7th Grade. Or a set of speakers that wouldn't quite fit onto your bookshelf? Heck, you may have even had a BOAT that wouldn't quite fit into your garage!
3. Giant redwood trees in California are not news. However the fact that some still remain may be news to some. A 'drive-thru tree'? I recall photos from my mom's trip from New York State to California in 1942 - where they drove her dad's Model A thru a redwood tree. You can STILL do that! Just outside Leggett, a very small town about 45 miles north of Fort Bragg and inland over the mountains about 20 miles there are signs directing you to "Famous Drive Through Tree" - and the signage is very 'park-like'. However, once you arrive, be prepared to pay $5/car to drive thru! And it's worth it. The 'Chandelier Tree' is simply huge. The opening is 6'9" high and 6' wide. My 2002 Explorer only needed the wing mirrors folded-in to slip right through.
Successful 'Explorer thru tree trick'
4. Now being a 'plant guy', I couldn't resist stopping a a place called:
Sure enough, filled with all things fuchsia - plants, gifts, cards, refrigerator magnets, shirts - you name it, and it was there in fuchsia.
1 comment:
Hey! I've driven through that tree! But I had a little Toyota Corolla, so it was easy. That was in 1977, when Amy and I took our two month trip across the country, with a month long stay in Torrance, CA. I also loved Eureka, great memories...thanks
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